Jb Weekly English Nepali Online Started
Jb weekly English Nepali e-paper was available since 20th December 2005. Web-hosting and domain registrations both works did Pokharacity. com Pvt. Ltd., Since this paper continuously served to the global readers of astrology. Obstacles hung on our head when the web-hosting staff Mr Rajab Shrestha permanently shifted to Australia, who had great contribution enhancing this paper without him there was no alternative to us neither we sought. Second reason behind obstacle of this paper was I had myself passed two fatal accidents on right leg and right hand. These three problems affected to us for long time. Now my health is recovered. Our pokharacity.com friend Mr. Rajab Shrestha from Australia has strong support in making this dynamic domain Webpage Nepal team Mr. Pitam Bahadur Sen, Roshan Bastola are with us. Our online editors Sita Regmi, Santosh Regmi, Pradeep Regmi, Madhu Regmi and Anand Regmi shall support in the time to come. Our efforts will be to reach at your hand and mobile as early possible. Heartfelt thanks Rajab Shrestha, Pitam Bahadur Sen, Asafal Gautam and the whole team who have full support to us.